




Yakshagana Folk Dance




Suggi/Dollu Kunitha  Suggi/Dollu Kunitha – Bing images

スギ(またはDollu Kunitha)もカルナータカ州の民族舞踊で、太鼓の音に合わせて踊ります。収穫期に盛んに踊られ、私が住んでいる地域のジャアトレ(集会祭)でも楽しまれています。これらの踊りに参加して感じることは、人々が集い、共に楽しみ、ドラマや物語、音楽を通して文化を守る環境を作り出しているということです。





インドの祝祭に参加することで、あらゆる場面でダンスをする本当の理由を理解することができます。ダンスは私たちの文化、幸せ、そして人々を結びつけることを象徴しています。(Archana K)



<名前> Archana K


  • 小説を読むこと
  • 音楽を聴くこと
  • ダンスをすること
  • 鉛筆でスケッチすること



Dance – A reason for Happiness & Togetherness

Everyone has something in his or her life that gives immense happiness from heart. For me, it has always been dancing. Though I didn’t learn to dance professionally, still I love to dance on every possible occasion. Whether taking part in any competition, a social gathering, or a random night with crazy friends. It just brings out a different person from me.

Dance and music have been a part of my life. I started dancing when I was 5 years old. For me, dance is something that is near to my heart. It is a great exercise, and it boosts my energy also. I love all kinds of dance.

We Indians dance for multiple reasons: mainly to preserve the treasured culture and heritage, to celebrate weddings, and festivals, and for the sake of pure joy and happiness.

In every part of India, we perform a particular form of dance that shows the mirror of the life and traditions of that particular region which we call traditional or folk dance

I am from Karnataka and the common folk dances here are Yakshagana and Suggi Kunitha. The meaning of Kunitha is a dance in the Kannada language (which we speak in Karnataka). Karnataka is the southern state of India and is widely known for its unique culture and tradition. The Folk-Dance styles of Karnataka reflect the culture, history, and lifestyle of the people.

Me being a part of the Malenadu region of Karnataka, I have experienced Yakshgana and Suggi Kunitha folk dances from my childhood. Let me tell you all little about the Yakshagana style of folk dance, it is a confluence of dance, costumes, music, drama, heavy facial make-up, and dialogues.

Suggi or Dollu Kunitha is another folk dance of Karnataka, it is performed widely during the harvest season; the dance involves dancing by holding the drum to its beat.

These dances I enjoy during Jaatre or gathering festival in my region. What I felt while being a part of these dances, it creates an environment where people will gather, enjoy themselves together and preserve our culture through drama/stories/kinds of music.

We Indian believe that the best way to keep our culture alive is to be performed and equally should be enjoyed. So, we people of India perform dances in every holy ritual and festival. We have so many traditions that differ from the religions and regions of India.

If you have been a part of any Indian wedding or festival celebration from any part of India, you will see a vibe of enjoyment through dance and music. In India, no wedding is complete without a dance party! An Indian way of dancing, adds just enough entertainment, happiness, enjoyment and lightens up the marriage or any kind of celebrations.

We all know the benefits of dancing, it is a great tool for maintaining a healthy body and mind. However, at times, Indians do not need a grand reason to engage in dancing activities.

What I feel rather than finding a reason to dance; dance become the reason for many Indians to find joy and happiness in their lives. It brings people together and keeps them healthy and fit. Indians are dependent on dancing for their physical, and psychological well-being and for keeping their culture alive.

Be a part of Indian celebrations to understand the real reason of dancing in every occasion. Dance symbolises our culture, happiness, and bringing people together. (Archana K)