
スリ・シッダガンガ・マータ(Sree Siddaganga Matha)、別名シッダガンガ・クシェトラは、教育機関を併設したマータです。このマータは、15世紀にスリ・ハラダナハリー・ゴーザラ・シッデシュワラ・スワミによって、インド南部のカルナータカ州トゥムクルに設立されました。このマータ(ムットとも呼ばれる)は、学校、短大、工科大学、医科大学、特別支援学校を設立しています。ここは高価な教育を受ける余裕のない多くの貧しい人々のためのグルクルです。毎日、少なくとも3食の食事が提供されます(Annadana/Dasoha)。



また、私はマータの管理人が提供してくれた宿泊施設のもとで、マータに一泊したこともありました。そこでもポジティブなエネルギーをもらいました。そして滞在中、そこに滞在していた学生たちと交流し、毎日何人かの学生が朝5時頃に起床し、丘に登ってマータでプージャをするための花を摘んできていることを知りました。彼らから日課を聞けて良かった。寝ていたら、朝6時ごろからお祈りの声が聞こえてきて、目が覚めて、身支度を整えてからお祈りの場所に行きました。一度に8000人以上の生徒が祈りを捧げるのを聞いて、私は驚くとともに鳥肌が立ちました。 そして後に、このお祈りは最低1時間、1日2回行われることを知りました。8000人以上の生徒が1つの場所に集まり、祈りを捧げる。それが私にとってシッダガンガ・マータでのかけがえのない瞬間です。

~シヴァクマル・スワミジ(1907 – 2019)

<名前> バリキ・アンビカ
Embracing Light: The Enduring Legacy of Siddaganga Matha
Sree Siddaganga Matha (also called Siddaganga Kshetra) is a Matha with an attached educational institution. The Matha was established by Sri Haradanahally Gosala Siddeshwara Swami’s in the 15th century in the Tumkur, southern state of Karnataka, India. The Matha (also called as Mutt) has established schools, a junior college, and an engineering college, Medical College, School for Special Needs Children. It’s a Gurukul for many poor people who cannot afford expensive education. Every day it provides at least three meals to people (Annadana/Dasoha).
It is said that to quench the thirst of one of his aged disciples Sree Gosala Siddesshwara, he hit the rock and a stream of water came out of that rock. The holy water was named as Siddaganga and the name was thus given to this place. Locals believe that this holy water has the power to heal mental and physical ailments. Sree Gosala Siddeshwara’s disciple Sree Shankaracharya Swamiji continued his work until the late fifteenth century.
The history of Sree Siddaganga Matha in the last two centuries can be regarded as highly progressive due to its most revered, respected, humane, empowered with knowledge and wisdom of its greatest religious leader. The Dr. Sree Shivakumara Swami, who died on 21 January 2019. Swamiji was called ‘Nadedaduva devaru’ (walking god) who believed and demonstrated the power of education. And who lived for 111 years, 295 days.
One of my favourite places to visit in Tumkur is Siddaganga Matha, I usually visit Matha thrice a year. Whenever I visit to Matha it makes me happy and relaxed. And I have learned discipline, respect for others, and the most important thing is the “Importance of food” by visiting Matha.
The first time when I visited the Matha while having Prasada (Meals) I felt the condition of being filled up, so I was going to wash my plate by wasting the food. The person near the place of washing said not to waste the food and explained to me about the effort behind preparing food and also explained about the effort behind the cultivation of crops used for it, in a good way. And from that day I realized the importance of food. And I started to avoid wasting the food.
https://images.app.goo.gl/ZvUKMVdXdQzdoSAx9 –
Picture of Dashoha (Meals)
Also, I stayed a night in a Matha under accommodations provided by a Matha trustee. I got a positive energy when I have stayed over there. And during my stay, I communicated with the students who stayed over there and got to know that every day some students will wake up around 5:00 AM, and they will climb the hill and collect the flowers for pooja in the Matha and they explained to me about their daily routine. It is good to hear from them. When I was sleeping, I started to hear a prayer around 6:00 AM, I woke up and after freshening up I went to the prayer place. I was surprised and got goosebumps by listening to more than 8000 students doing a prayer at a time. And later I got to know that the prayer will be for a minimum of One hour twice a day. More than 8000 students will gather in one place and do the prayer. That is the one cherishing moment for me in Siddaganaga Matha.
Shivakumar Swamiji is my Inspiration. But unfortunately, I can’t meet and take blessings. So, I believe that wherever I go, Whatever I do, I have the blessing of Shivakumar Swamiji always.
“The entire world is our home; let us protect it together.” ~Shivakumar Swamiji