みなさんこんにちは。インド担当の久保木です。 今回は少し難しい内容ですが、自分の心と向き合うということについて書いていただきました。 。ぜひ最後までお読み頂けますと幸いです。
Just Breathe! ~感情の赴くままに~
最後までお読みいただき ありがとうございました。いかがでしたでしょうか。彼女とインドで仕事をした際には、彼女がこのような人生を送ってきたということは想像できないぐらい明るかったので驚きました。コロナ禍で不安な日々を送っている方もいるかと思いますが、心の健康も大切にしていきたいですね。今後とも当ブログをよろしくお願いいたします。
<名前> Juliet Shylesh
Just Breathe! – A Journey of Emotional Upgrade.
We are not animals! Hence it is expected that we behave appropriately in society. We have mastered the art of socializing at the cost of our emotions, like actors wearing many masks.
Finally, we become forced to diligently strategize where to show which mask. It all seems to work fine until the day all the hidden emotions erupt out like a volcano leading to many mental issues.
Technically, our emotions and thoughts are the software code through which we relate to our surroundings. If the code itself is at fault, how can the program process the inputs from the surroundings effectively? Hence it becomes apparent beyond doubt that the more we understand and fine tune our emotions and thoughts, the better we can understand our surroundings. Having a good emotional balance for a healthy mind is as important as having good balanced diet for a healthy body.
I have lived through a time period when emotional and mental health was a very hush-hush matter. If it got worst, the only option was consulting a psychiatrist, an action that was strictly to be avoided at all cost, fearing – what would others say? So, imagine the plight of a teenager who had to support a mentally ill patient alone, without proper guidance even from doctors and struggling to stay emotionally stable! Hence, I lived a major portion of my life suppressing, controlling, hiding and ignoring my emotions, which were the only practical advices I got.
When we have a physical injury we attend to it, as it may hinder our daily activities. But as it takes a very long time for emotional injuries to surface for others to see, the person may have very well gone beyond the limits of repair. Needless to say, slowly my volcano started erupting and everyone around me became surprised.
A wakeup call in life makes us realize that we are finally fed up with what have been so far and something has to change. Having witnessed the negative effects of what years of psychiatric
medicines do to the physical body, I was strictly against it. Realizing that others cannot give much insight, I started my obsessive research in finding all alternative methods to maintain my peace. I stumbled upon major research topics proving that the core of many diseases are emotional imbalance, as the human is not at ease (dis-ease). Seeing the magnitude of information on emotional intelligence made me wonder, was dissecting a frog or mixing chemicals more important than such information that was the core need of a human being?
Being a software engineer has given me the opportunity to use the concepts of troubleshooting, bug fixing and testing the practicality of my approaches. One such was knowing the importance of my breath and practicing conscious deep breathing exercises.
As our emotions and thoughts are interrelated, breath is the only tool which can be used to break the interdependency. Using this with various other methodologies, I was slowly rewriting my software code.
I say, this is my version 2 in life, as I literally feel a vast difference of who I was and who I am. From a person who was running away from life, I am now extremely passionate to be just alive because now the word “stress” is hardly in my dictionary. Just like how we use our sense of smell, touch, sight etc., there is great use of our emotions and thoughts. My life taught me, we are only limited by what we know and what we want to know. So, just breathe and take charge!