


SCII 創立記念日






花で模様を描く “ランゴリ “大会は、毎年この日のために追求している名物です。今年もオフィスのエントランスをカラフルに彩り、鮮やかな花の色で伝統を感じさせてくれました。











さて、今年も残りわずかとなりました。いつもお読み頂きありがとうございました。 来年もブログを更新していきますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

SCII: <https://www.scii.in/>


A company’s anniversary or annual day is a unique day and an occasion for a grand celebration. It is a perfect opportunity to bring the whole team together and remember how it all started, dream about the future, and have fun.
Every year in the month of December, we celebrate Annual Day, where everyone comes in ethnic wear. It makes us feel more as festival day with all the decorations and colourful attire.
Last year when I attended my first annual day, I was expecting a lot of professional performers to dance over my head. But fortunately, that didn’t really happen. Instead I was bowled over by the superb performances of my own talented colleagues.
This year promised more excitement and it took no time before we got into the groove. On the week of the annual day, there were a lot of surprises. Flash mobs, banners, Innovative games, surprise gifts, intensity was at its peak. Meanwhile all teams were training hard for the show. I was part of a flash mob and gave a dance performance at the event as well.

We were so delighted by the very imaginative activities planned by the organizers and we also got gifts from secret buddies that was so exciting. We had an Event called “SCII Familia” where we had our hands dipped in paint and placed against a sheet to make feather of peacock was very creative.
“Rangoli” competition that is carried out with flowers is the one speciality we pursue each year for the annual day. As every year, even this year, our office entrance looked so colourful and made us feel traditional with all the bright colours of flowers.

The day started with ethnic wear, with dazzling dresses and mesmerizing appearances, the best surprise on the day was getting an unexpectedly coordinated ramp walk where everyone of us participated, including our CEO, and we had a photo session, followed by afternoon lunch.
In the evening, everyone left for the main event with enthusiasm. Since it was the first time I was dancing here at SCII, I was so excited to perform and I was a bit nervous too. The event featured Skit, fashion show, foot-tapping song and dance performances including a special dinner that was so delicious. All the shows were mind blowing, which we enjoyed, cheering enthusiastically. The best part of it all was planning a DJ night for the first time. It was amazing and catered to the mood and vibe of the night.

In the end, organizers were the true winners. They knew how to bring out the creative talents in us. They had organized the event well and carried it out perfectly. As we end this year’s annual day celebrations we cherish the memories of how the company grew to what we are today and where we are headed. I look forward to 2021 with high expectations that inspire me to work and make the best efforts as we all contribute to the success of the company. With each year I look forward to exploring new heights that lead to improving company culture, strengthening teams, fostering innovation, and boosting morale.