皆さん、この言葉はよく知っていると思います。「HEALTH IS WEALTH(健康は財産だ)」

私はこれを実践するために、食事を3回に分け、さらにおやつを2回 用意しました。
とてもラッキーなことに、今 紹介した私の食事は全てスタンダードなインド料理なのです!健康になるためのロケットサイエンス(*とても難しいこと)は必要ありませんでした(笑)私が学んだことは、食事の時間を守るべきだということです。私は通常、午前9時に朝食をとり、午後1時に昼食をとり、午後8時に夕食をとります。この他に、午前11時にはリンゴなどの果物、午後5時にはアーモンドなどのナッツ類をおやつとして食べています。


私は、そうですね…絵を描くことが真っ先に思い浮かびます。曼荼羅アートを描いていると、スピリチュアルな気分になります。そして私の心を若返らせてくれる気がします。私は、自分の時間が必要なときや 休憩が必要なときは、絵を描いたり、本を読んだり、音楽を聴いたり、ガーデニングをしたり、手芸をするなど、その時々でどれか一つを選んで、自分の時間を大切にするようにしています。ぜひ、みなさんも自分の興味のあることを見つけて、心の健康のために実践してください。心の健康はとても大切ですから。

Health and Diet
I think you all familiar about the phrase…! HEALTH IS WEALTH…
Off course, Health is the most important aspect of our life. To achieve that we need some practices like Diet, Exercise, Meditation, Hobbies and many more…
Let me tell you about my journey to good health by food, exercise, and hobbies.
I was not active and fit enough before. I wanted to bring some changes to my life. So I opted diet and exercise as a part of my life to be active, fit and healthy.
My transition to healthy lifestyle has been pretty long. It took nearly four months to get back on track. Someone once told me that if you start something new and do it for 21 days, it becomes a habit, and if you keep doing it for 90 days, it becomes a lifestyle.
Diet means eating a balanced food in right time with suitable quantity. So, we must eat foods containing protein, carbohydrates, fiber, fat and other nutrients every day.
I divided my meal into three sections with two mid-meal snacks.
For breakfast, I choose upma or oats, and for dinner, I eat vegetable salads. The most crucial part is lunch! For this, I have whole grain chapati or roti, green leaf or vegetable or legume curries, and any dairy product such as butter milk.
All of this is standard Indian food. Thank god!!! It’s no Rocket Science to be healthy. What I’ve learnt is that we should stick to meal timings. I usually have breakfast at 09:00.a.m, Lunch at 01:00.p.m, and Dinner at 08:00p.m.
I also have a fruit like apple at 11:00a.m., and some nuts like almonds at 5:00p.m., as a mid-meal snack.
Meditation yoga and stretches in the morning are useful in keeping our thoughts calm, muscles flexible, and overall feeling happier and lighter.
Remember to keep your body moving whenever the time permits. I mean to say do a walk in-between.
As we all know from many studies, Walking is the best whole-body workout for people of all ages. As it activates each and every organs and boosts metabolism. I do walk whenever I get chance such as going shops to buy vegetables and taking stairs instead of elevator… You will find many opportunities to walk in a day to day life. Just use them.
Hobby… Isn’t it amazing…? It’s an activity of our interest which makes us happy. In a simple way, it is a fun, a stress-buster. And it will differ from person to person.
So, what is the first thing comes to your mind when you hear the word hobby…?
Well… Painting is the first thing that comes to my mind as I feel good while doing. I feel spiritual when I draw mandala art. It will rejuvenate my mind. So, whenever I need me-time or a break, I will opt any one from drawing, reading books, listening music, gardening, doing handcrafts and keep myself occupied and happy. So find your interests and practice them for mental wellbeing. Because mental health is more important.
After practicing above methods, now I am more joyful, active, fit and healthier in my day to day life.