卒業を目指しているとき、講師の 1 人の助けを借りて、カルナータカ州クンダプラで演劇のディプロマコースを修了した Chethan Bhishetty 氏に会いました。彼は数多くの舞台公演を行っています。私はカルナータカ州ラネベンヌールで彼の劇団に加わりました。彼の指導の下、私は多くのステージショーに出演しました。当時行っていたスキットの練習がとても楽しかったことを覚えています。
稽古中はチームの全員が昼食を持ち寄って皆で一緒に食べ、昼食後は休息しながら楽しい時間を過ごしました。本番の2、3日前になると実際の衣装とメイクを合わせて全体の練習をします。そして本番前日、私は練習をしません。代わりに、私はチームメンバーと座って本番について話し合い、リハーサルのすべての瞬間を思い返します。 本番が終わった後はいつも、チームメンバーでパーティーを開いて成功の喜びを分かち合いました。

(Ishwarya P C)

Bonding with Theatre Life
Everyone appreciates and loves all forms of acting, whether it’s for film or television, commercial acting or voice over work. Everyone believe that acting is a talent and most of them enjoy the show in that moment. Do you think acting is difficult? It’s actually not, because once you start acting, you will start loving it, and if you love it, it will never be difficult. I especially love the theatre and I believe that theatre is still important. Acting for the stage is an all-encompassing process that involves a great deal of collaboration from many different people.
I started my theatre life when I was in primary school by performing in cultural events under the guidance of my teachers. Later I joined residential school where I was guiding my friends and directed many dramas. Initially I started acting in small roles in spiritual dramas and now I perform all kinds of roles.
When I was pursuing my graduation, with the help of one of my lecturers I met Mr. Chethan Bhishetty, he has completed his diploma course in Drama at Kundapura, Karnataka. He has given many stage shows. I joined his drama troop in Ranebennur, Karnataka, India. With his guidance I have performed in many stage shows. I have enjoyed a lot while practicing the skit.
We put ourselves into emotional and intellectual situations that may never arise in our personal lives and practiced with dedication. Theatre promotes me to standby the truth to give power to truth, to take risks and to advocate for new and diverse voices. During my performance I will forget myself and involve completely in the role. Our team would gather at Snehadeepa trust in the evening on weekdays and whole day on weekends, for practicing the drama.
Everyone in our team would bring lunch, we used to share and eat our food together. After the lunch, for some time we used to take rest by doing some fun activities. I have handcrafted probes by myself required for few shows. I practice the entire show with the costume and makeup 2-3 days before the big day. The day before show, I will not practice instead I sit with team and discuss about the show and memorize every moment of the rehearsal.
Finally, after the performance it’s just party and fun with team. The night before my interview @SCII I have performed in a ‘Biomechanical Theatre Act’ which is one of the various forms of drama. This is a form of drama, where an actor presents his emotional state which is inextricably linked to his physical state, and one could perform such kind of drama by keeping personal memories as internal motivation and also practicing poses, gestures, movements.
After starting career at SCII, I have directed and acted in a drama at the annual day celebration keeping ‘Personal life v/s Professional life’ as a theme which was memorable as I was celebrating annual day for the first time at SCII. I am very grateful to the company management as they have supported us throughout the practice sessions by allowing us to stay at company premises late in the evening. It was all because of my team, their dedication and hard work our act was big hit.
Unlike most actors in theatre or movies who take on a role and know that they are acting, I believe everyone is an excellent actor. Do you know why? Life itself is a theatre and in many ways we are acting in the roles chosen by ourselves and are unaware of that fact…
(Ishwarya P C)