SCII の Sports Day
企業ごとにその呼び方は様々ですが インドの多くの企業では、スポーツデーを開いていて、その最大の目的は共通しています。それは、エンターテインメントです!SCIIでは毎年11月から12月の週末にスポーツデーを開催しています。良いゲームほど一体感を生むものはありません。スポーツデーは、会社の同僚と親睦を深めたり、普段の運動不足を補ったり、そして何より楽しむのにとても良い方法です。
当日の試合は午前10時からですが、 スポーツデーの日は朝からオフィスに集まって、みんなで朝食を食べることから始まります。間違いなく、みんな自分の中の子供心をとりもどすこの日を楽しみにしています。この大きな日のために数か月前から準備をします。コーディネーターが参加者を募りゲームの内容に応じてチーム分けを行います。
クリケット、スローボール、バドミントンなどが行われます。また、インドが発祥のボードゲーム、カロムなども行われます。みんな入賞を目指してこれらのゲームに参加します。もちろん私も!私は学生時代、バドミントンをやっていたので、今年の運試しとしてバドミントンに参加しました。そして…勝ちました!まるでオリンピックで優勝したかのような思いです!ワーーーイ!!! ( *´艸`)
(Gagana Nagabhushan)
Gagana Nagabhushanさん

- 体を動かすこと。健康的な生活を維持すること
- 家族や友達と過ごす時間。ショッピングや音楽を聴くこと
- 世界中を旅することが夢
SCII: <https://www.scii.in/>
In India, almost every corporate office organizes sports day, and though they call it by different names the ultimate goal remains same i.e. ENTERTAINMENT!!! At SCII in the month of November-December sports day is organized for one or two weekends. There’s nothing like a good game to bring us all together. It is a great way to create camaraderie, improve physical fitness, and have fun.
Sports day allows each individual to get to know each other better. It encourages a little healthy competition. It boosts productivity and concentration levels. It’s a chance to try new skills (or build on existing ones). Mingling and interacting with the team can bring in a new way of life and revitalise professional relationships.
On sports day, we start the day by gathering and having breakfast in the company premises. I can say we all look forward to this day when everyone can bring out that mischievous kid in us!!!! Competitive games start by 10 AM but the preparations would have started months before the big day. Coordinators collect participants’ names and divide us into groups depending on requirement of the game.
Games such as cricket, throw ball and badminton are organized. Game of Indian origin i.e. Carom which is a table top game is also played. As participants we take part in these competitive sporting activities, often with the aim of winning prizes! I was a badminton player during my school days hence I tried my luck this year. Hurray!!!!! I won the game and it felt like I had won the OLYMPICS!!!
By the time these competitive games are over, everyone realizes that “Time flies when we are having FUN! out in the SUN!” and it would be high Noon and “Guessing Game” starts in our mind about the food and menu. We all rush towards the cafeteria where a hot and yummy!!! lunch would be arranged. During lunch, we sit together in groups grumbling about how we missed the chance at winning and what went wrong during the game and start making strategies about games that will be played post lunch.
Energy refilled!!! All set!!! We would be waiting for the Game to begin.
We take part in all these exciting games such as Tic tac toe, blind folded obstacle challenge, newspaper challenge, pyramid building with cups, offline LUDO etc. These games are played with time limitations in groups that are formed randomly.
Every year these games would differ and this year there was this awesome game called “Passing the Message” which is similar to “Dengon” game played in Japan. No one got the correct word, though!!!!! We enjoyed watching others play that game rather than playing ourselves.
All these team building and fun games promote participants to work together effectively, to see similarities between themselves, develop one’s strengths and encourages collaboration. Whenever a guest visits SCII, we heartily welcome them to take part in these events and experience these unique games. It feels extraordinary when we get acquainted with each other!!!