





左:車に祈りを捧げるドライバー     右:車の前に置かれた供物


左:花で装飾された芝刈り機     右:神前に並べられた工具と供え物


左:カボチャを地面に叩きつける社員     右:装飾された会社の看板


(Gagana Nagabhushan)



Gagana Nagabhushanさん



  • 体を動かすこと。健康的な生活を維持すること
  • 家族や友達と過ごす時間。ショッピングや音楽を聴くこと
  • 世界中を旅することが夢






SCII: <https://www.scii.in/>


Ayudha Pooja at SCII

In Japan there is a festival where, once a year, workers and artisans and even artists who need specific items to do their jobs, will express their gratitude and celebrate the last rites in memory of beloved old tools through a ceremony called Kuyo matsuri or Memorial festival held either in a Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine.  In the Shinto traditions, items as well as humans, animals, plants, and objects are considered to have souls. This festival acknowledges the good given to people by their tools.  After the service, the old or broken tools are gathered and burnt in the flames of a redemptive fire so that their smoke goes up to heaven.

In India we have a similar festival, Ayudha Pooja when we honor and express gratitude for all the instruments that add meaning to our life. In Indian culture, we set up this aspect that whatever tool it may be, if you want to use your vehicle, first bow down to it and then use it. If you want to use a book, first bow down to it and then use it. Ayudha Pooja signifies, every implement that you use, whether it is in industry, agriculture or at home, we approach it respectfully. Unless we approach something with a certain sense of reverence and a deep sense of involvement, it will not yield. The same musical instruments can become different thing in different people’s hands. In one person’s hands it becomes noise, in another person’s hands it becomes unconditionally enthralling music because of the way we approach it.

Reverence does not mean worship or a ritual, reverence simply means you look up to it in a certain way and which brings a deep sense of involvement. Once that involvement is there, we will handle it well and will get the best out of it. If we treat our implement with reverence, we are constantly in touch with what we consider divine.

Ayudha Pooja, a South Indian festival translated as “worship of the machines,” is a dramatic example of how religion and science intertwine. Across South India, but especially in the state of Karnataka, scientists and engineers celebrate the festival in offices, laboratories, and workshops by attending a pooja led by a priest. All the Ayudhas (instruments and Machineries) are washed and decorated with flowers, and the priest performs the Pooja by chanting mantras.  A divine mood is set during the pooja for better growth of each and every one, with sweet distribution followed by breaking the pumpkin (as a symbol of the prayer/pooja and to weed the evil spirits away).

The experience can have an emotional and symbolic significance, everybody is welcome to experience the rollercoaster ride of culture, food, fun and entertainment on the occasion of Ayudha Pooja.

(Gagana Nagabhushan)